Monday, July 13, 2015

Father's Day, Last Days of School, & Lorenzo!

Every year we do these photos for Mike, I am sure by now it is no surprise to him. I scramble around at the last minute to do them, but somehow they get done.  It is so fun to look at the old ones as I always just stack the new ones in front.  This year, another baby, and more to coordinate in the pictures but so interesting to see how much they change in a year.  When Mike got home we had forgotten to change clothes.  He asked Giada why she was all dressed up, was she taking photos; he asks with a grin. She looks at me all wide eyed and stumbled over her words and came up with a story about how it was something for Gino's birthday.  She ran over to me to see if I had heard how she had fooled dad. It was pretty cute, she was proud of herself.  Not sure I am glad she can spin a story on a moments notice, but I will worry about that later. "A" for effort Giada!

Well that year flew by! Giada loved her first year at St. Anne's and her time with Mrs. Luchessi. Giada was so excited to do a reading during the graduation; she had been practicing for weeks. Overall it was such a wonderful year for all of us, meeting the families we would spend years with, and watching Giada learn so much. Her writing and reading jumped leaps and bounds this year. Can't wait to see what is in store for her next year.

 Giada is so sad her buddy Adelaide will be at a different school next year.  They will just be in the next town over, so we are hoping the girls can stay in touch. We will miss her parents too!

 Gino is also 1 year down of preschool.  He had a blast in the 3's class and onto the 4's in a few short weeks.  Teacher Patty and Ellen have their work cut out for them to get Gino ready for Kindergarten.  But, I think Mrs. Luchessi knows what to expect when Gino arrives to school, as he already set the bar high by pulling the fire alarm at Back to School Night!  It was one of those moments you look over and think, "oh man that's my kid" LOL

 We can't forget this little. Although as I write this he is technically already 4 months. I do take the pictures at the right time, just haven't gotten them posted in time.  He really is a sweet boy with an easy temperament.  Unless he is hungry, then he lets that be known. He is smiling and laughing a lot and loves to hear himself make noises.  He has enjoyed sitting in the Bumbo seat and Activity Center much more as the days go by. Sleep is still so so, but I didn't have high expectations there.  The feeding is going better as I pump and thicken each bottle. The joys of a boy who chokes when he eats. It requires much more work, but at this point I am trying to hold strong with the pumping and hope for a change at his next appt. The rice cereal I have to add is really plumping him up, he is a healthy growing boy.

 All 3 kids at 3 months, I would say at this point they sure look alike. Those big gummy grins.
Its Farmers Market time.  Boy does it become Thursday in no time at all. I do enjoy sharing our product with customers and seeing so many familiar faces at the market.  We have had 2 interns helping us this summer and it has been great, both are very nice girls. 
Lorenzo comes with us on the nights it is not too hot.  
 These are the last of the spiky hair photos. His hair is so long now it lays down!

 Gino sleeps with his arms up too!

Monday, July 6, 2015

Wedding Season!

Wedding Season!  This time we had a wedding in Greaeagle, how much fun is that! Mike's cousin Emily married the wonderful Chris Peyton.  It was Lorenzo's first trip and time on the bear. Since Gino and Giada couldn't manage to cooperate to have all three sit on him we have all sorts of configurations.

 Uncle Scott doing some morning reading. I may or may not have heard him say he did more reading this weekend than he had in years! My kids love books.

Lots of rain this weekend, which was odd for May, but it stopped just in time for the wedding. Congratulations EM!

Giada had so much fun dancing all night with Em and her other cousins.

It took all these silly faces to get a cheesy grin!

 Em just sent us these pictures from her photographer. Fun idea to take cousin photos.

 Wedding #2  - Summer and Phil tie the knot!
 I've grown up with these 3 beautiful ladies since elementary school. Such great memories and so much fun to be a part of all the big adventures in our lives.  
We couldn't be happier for Sum to have met her match! 

Getting ready!

It's go time!  Let's do this Summie!

Mr. & Mrs. sure know how to throw a great party!

Chris and Evie watched L for a bit so I could hit the dance floor!
Ryan snagged Lorenzo too. We love the Brunos!
Congratulations Summie, wishing you and Philip a lifetime of happiness. xoxo