Giada now has a much bigger bed! We moved her bed to Gino's room and he loves it. She looks so tiny in this big bed. Figured she can have this one for a long time. AND when you let a 4 yr old pic the end up with pink and green horses!
And a little rest time with Giada
ROAD TRIP! Steph and I decided to take the kids on a road trip to San Diego for the MacLaggan Family reunion. With stops in SLO and Venice to see friends. The stops were all really quick but long enough to tire out the kids, then they would sleep on the next portion of our drive. Thanks to Dean's, Clarin's and Filice's for letting us crash. Thanks to Jen, Jame, Jacks, & Schubs for meeting up! XO
We packed light and were about as tight as you could get. It's ok I don't need to see out the back - right?!?
Beautiful morning at Avila Beach
This kid loves to lay in the sand!
Giada showing off her crab collection. Her favorite thing to do at any beach after being taught by the expert Hilder.
Next stop Venice for a quick visit and dinner..
Next stop...San Diego
We had fun at Seaport Village before meeting up with the MacPac.
Face painting, birds to hold, carousel, always love the live entertainers around there.
My mom is 1 of 8 so there are lots of cousins. This is all of my cousins that were there and our kids. Spouses included we are missing about 20!
The MacLaggan siblings, just missing Ran!
With spouses! Worst spot we could have picked for lighting, but it's better than no pic!
Last stop before heading home; visit with Dean's/Filices.
We had just gotten home and were headed away again. The Coldani family was off to the Paso Robles Olive Oil Festival. Unfortunately we had a lack of photos. But it was a successful event. We always enjoy our time in Paso. This year little Cole got to join in the fun. 

While we were away the kids were in good hands with Nana and the Kerns. (Thanks again!) Kiddos wrapped up there last soccer game. We were so bummed to miss. It has been fun to see her enjoying it so much by the end. Big change from walking around the first week. What's better than a trophy too??
Quick visit with the Schweitzers. On there way to Tahoe they made a pit stop in Lodi. Fun to have some time to catch up, although never long enough.
Strawberry jam! The burns and fire in the kitchen were worth it...making memories!
Hard to believe this little guy is 1 month already. He is still a great baby! Eating and sleeping well. Gina is back to work and we are sure glad to have her....and also glad for our frequent Cole visits!! Giada only calls him "Cole Russell" and asks me daily if I think he is big enough to play yet.