Annual Thanksgiving Fun Run! Always nice to start the morning off with a jog. Dad was home smoking the turkey, and they were delish! Gino decided it would be best if I carried him most of the way, not what I had planned!
We were happy that Nico and JZ could join in this year.
We managed to escape a couple days to Graeagle. The kids were surprised to see that Chippy knew we were up there when he started visiting us again. Although they love to look for Chippy every morning, I'm not so sure it has helped with the behavior! Not much snow when we were in town, a little up where we ended up cutting trees, and now they have a ton, we just missed it and will have to make another trip up soon.
Lots of walks and lots of relaxing, just what we needed!
Mr. Bear has his winter coat on already, and this year we couldn't even get his head to peak out!
Oh Christmas Tree....
Calivirgin in the News. Gina and I had the opportunity to be on the KCRA News one morning to discuss holiday appetizers and gifts. It was a little nerve wracking, and quick, but always great to promote our products.
Annual light parade. The chilly weather didn't scare us off, and the truck always helps to contain the kids. Gino is CONSTANTLY on the move, even during photos!! 
Chippy has been busy!
Happy Birthday Seve!!
Gino Joseph "Joe" Barbera is here! December 7th - 8lbs. 11oz. 20 1/2 in.
A rare date night out, but catching up with friends during the holidays.
Thanks Matt & Steph for watching the kids!
So awhile ago I decided to sign up for a marathon to motivate me to work out and run. Not sure how well that worked, but I did do the long runs, and finished the marathon. Last year it was torrential down pour, and this year freezing temperatures!!! Thank you Linds for the sleepover and getting us to the start on time. Also thank you to our relay girls for keeping us distracted. It wasn't warm, but Tricia and I finished, met our goal, and beat our last time; bonus!

So it was bound to happen that Gino would hurt himself, he is wild and crazy and always on the move. I just didn't think it would happen like this. He was walking over to the street light to press the button and just fell out of no where. He his head on the cement base of the lamp post. Lots of blood, and a trip to ER, he was glued back together. The glue didn't hold so well, and too late for stitches at that point, but it will heal up. Once we got the bleeding to stop, and the crying to stop he was back to his old self, running around the ER.
Loving on Cole. He is 5 months old already!
Kids have loved having some downtime lately. We have been home a bit more, and it's been so cold out, they have played inside more. Sleeping bags are a big hit!