December with kids, and a business that is busiest in Q4 makes for a crazy fun month.
in the kids rooms, has always been SO exciting for them. Now that they
currently share a room, it's a bit crowded; they love it, so the
tradition continues. I should figure out how to do those cool photos
with trees, but since I can never seem to capture them, my blurry ones
are below.

wanted to dance in the Light Parade. This year the school had a
student run dance and walking banner as opposed to a float. The kids
worked so hard, and were sweet to let Giada enter, as she was youngest.
They said if she could keep up, she could do it. I will say she got
distracted as we were walking around looking at all the people on the
streets, but she had so much fun and the rain stopped just in time. I
do forget when I say yes to these things that I have to walk along in
the cold with her! :-)
Always fun to run into your buddies en route!
Giada was so thrilled, I let her stay up really late and finish decorating the tree with me.
The boys were in bed and we got that tree done!
don't know what I am thinking when I sign up for Marathons. I just do
it without thinking. It did make me run, so I guess that was the goal. I
have not run one mile since, which has been almost 2 months! Gino went
with me to the Expo to get the run bibs. The girls were so sweet to do
a relay again. It really is distracting and so fun to see
friends/family along the course. It gives you a little pep in your step
for a few minutes, which is much needed. T-Bird celebrated her
birthday the day of the race, so we had to get her to that finish line!
This little guy is getting big and fast! He loves the new library and continues to have crazy hair.
Christmas Pageant. Giada was selected to be an Angel and she was thrilled.
1st graders!
time meeting Santa was a success! Giada told Santa she wasn't sure what
she wanted, so we had to be sure and write him a letter. Monster High
Kit and Shopkins were at the top of the list. Gino wanted a Dinosaur
game that teaches you what they eat. Santa had to go talk to the elves
to make this special request in the workshop.
Standing and walking around holding things is his favorite thing to do. He juuuuust fits under the table still.
Gymnastics Holiday Show
St Anne's School Santa Bingo
Choir performance, really got us in the holiday spirit.
Holiday Party Selfie

School buddies!
Happy Birthday Sofia!
round 2, not nearly as wonderful. Although, a crying kid Santa photo is
always the best. Our first time at Zoo Lights, and it was a great
holiday event; especially the play snow area.
Daughter Party is always a tradition I look forward to every year.
This year we brought it back to the Hilder house where it all began 19
years ago. It is a wonderful time catching up with lifelong friends and
their mothers. A tradition I hope always continues.
Country Girls missing Neps!
Busted out the wagon for a long walk. The kids loved it more than I loved pulling it.
Reindeer Games!
Merry Christmas Eve
You would think they have realized by now I will want a photo every
year, but instead they say, "really we have to do that again?" Yes boys,
it's once a year, I think you can manage.
Fuhrman Cousins
Merry Christmas 2015
Day we do lots of running around to see both sides of our families but
we feel so lucky to have them both right here in Lodi!
STUFFIES were a big hit.
I would say this is the face of a little girl excited for her gift. "Mom look, its Shopkins!"
I would say they like the new spa!
It was a FREEZING cold day but so much fun to meet the Clarins at the Fresno Zoo!
Even a bonus quick stop to play with cousins before heading home.
10 Months
Just as with the older kids, as the months roll by the photos are MUCH harder to take.
Who wants to sit in one place?
- Standing very well
-Walking 4-5 unassisted steps
-Enjoys eating and I am getting better at letting him and getting over my choking issue :-)
- Naps well, and next month I will conquer the all night sleeping! (hopefully)
- Laughs so easily when tickled or at anything the kids do
- Good balance at standing, sitting even squatting!
-Loves to put anything and everything in his mouth which works real well
with the big kids and all their little toys
- Only 2 bottom teeth
-Doesn't like getting dressed or getting in the car seat
-Loves bath time and playing in the water
Another haircut.. before and after.