June started off the Summer Adventures.
Thanks Clarin for watching all the kids while we did the Paso Robles Olive Oil Festival!

Cal Poly Softball friends and kiddos. These are the ones who figured out how to stay in SLO!
Smart ladies. GO MUSTANGS!!
1st sleepover success. We loved having Adelaide over this summer, such a sweetheart.
Popcorn, movies, smoothies, and nail shop too!
Lorenzo got in on some of the fun at the lake. Finally lots of teeth.
Lorenzo was so interested in what Dr Ron was doing to Gino's teeth.
then saying "fish fish" over and over the entire time we were there.
But, everyone got a clean bill of health which is rare for us. We are
very good about brushing and going to the dentist and so far the kids do
not look like they have good teeth. No Bueno!
day in Alameda. Sandcastle contest and shallow water. We stopped at
the beach on our way to the Giants game. We were not quite prepared and
didn't expect the kids to get in the water. It was so warm and shallow
they had SO much fun.
put on the spare warm clothes we had left and headed to the game.
Selfies with the kids, never know what face you will get from Gino.
Happy Birthday Max

night bloomer is not a pretty plant but it does make beautiful flowers.
They only bloom at night and smell SO good. The kids love getting out
the flashlight and checking every few minutes, until it opens. It's a
fun tradition around here, one that is from my moms side of the family.
This guy loves showing off his new teeth.
a Father's Day tradition. Everyone knows how I feel about traditions,
and in case you don't, I think they are awesome! Every year we try to
take the photos with these letters. Every year becomes more
challenging! It has been so fun to see the changes over the year. We
will see how long they put up with my ideas.
Happy 4th Birthday Stella! Ariel Mermaid party was a big hit.
the same night the kids went to sleepovers. Giada to Ran's and Gino to
Nana's. It was weird and quiet to just have Lorenzo home. So much fun
this summer with family and friends.
Every once in awhile, in between the bickering you catch a sweet moment that reminds you it's all worth it.
Happy Birthday Mike!
Kernal and I representing at the Good Food Awards. Jalapeno Garlic was the big winner this year.
Everyday for 2 months we swam. G loved having her buddy Peyton in the
pool with her this year. The girls got faster and more techniques in
their strokes. The few meets we did were fun, and the kids got a
glimpse of how swim meets work. Gino was just happy to get ribbons.
Stella was happy to get a ribbon that coordinated with her age. Giada
would have liked to always get 1st. We are hoping watching the Olympics
will show her how close the races can be. She often thought she touched
the wall first and couldn't tell how close the others were in the lanes
next to her.
little guy got a smoothie or two to pass the time while the big kids
were swimming all afternoon. Lucky for us he doesn't really try to get
in the water and is content on the side. Big difference from Gino at
this age.

Fancy Food Show in NYC. Last year Lorenzo was too little so it was my
year to stay home. This year Gina had just had Carter and he was too
little to stay home alone. This year the Lodi Olive Oil Frantoio was a
SOFI finalist. There were extra events to attend and buzz because of
it. This is the Academy Awards of specialty foods. Out of 3200 entries
only 100 were honored.