always starts with a trip to Phillips Farms. If you are a local, coming
here is tradition. Although Phillips Farms is growing and the focus is
more on the Michael David Winery portion of their businesses, every year
I am so glad to see they are keeping some elements we all know and
guy loved this hay stack. "I big boy I go to the top all by myself. You
stay on the bottom mom" Sure thing buddy, you are always very cautious,
I feel completely safe with this decision!
NOT! ( Do people still use that word??)
This Time Hop popped up recently and I love doing the comparison.
This little girl is growing up at an alarming rate.
Blessing of the Animals is a big day at our school. Giada
of course wanted to bring the new pup, CC. I was very nervous about
this because she hasn't been around many other animals, and barks like
crazy to protect us for every passing animal/person that walks by our
house. Gino of course also wanted to bring his new fish from Harvest
Fest. I was very glad I ended up taking them. CC behaved beautifully and
never made a peep. If she is with us, she knows we we are safe. This
little pup is growing on me.
All he wants to play, all day long! Nerf Wars.
Lorenzo was at Nana's and said, "take a picture to show my mom." He was proud of his work.
Cross Country has been so much fun to watch this season. The kids have been running so fast in all the meets. Giada is running against 4th & 5th graders and giving them a run for their money!
Weekend events for Calivirgin
mean we miss out on some kid activities. I am thankful for our
village, who always help out. I am also thankful for technology, within
minutes of the race being over we were sent videos and texts showing us
Giada's race.
Going to these oil events, do give us a chance to see old friends.
Great seeing Riley and Anne Chaney!
WEEK. Always fun for the kids, especially when you normally have to
wear uniforms.
Pink Day, for breast cancer awareness.
two buddies had a long day on the soccer field to end the season at the
Soccer Jamboree.
They had fun rooting each other on, and antagonizing
one another!
"Dad, I am not tired."
you believe, Calivirgin is 10??? We had a party to celebrate. Thank
you to all who came out to celebrate with us. We would not be where we
are today without the support of family, friends, and loyal club members
sharing our product. THANK YOU!
Days with the 3rd grade class. Such a fun day with Giada and her
classmates. They learned a little more about what hard work really is
...they have the easy life these days. Branding, Farming, Ironing,
Baking, Printing Press, and much more. It was hard for them to
understand why kids couldn't smile in photos back in the day!
Sydney has had a few health issues lately. She is reminding me she is
almost 13. I keep reminding her she is a young pup. I think she is just
doing it for the extra hugs! 

Dragons finished off the season with a big win in their last game. The
boys improved so much this season. Looking forward to next season
We Love You Buddy!
has begun! It never gets old, it is always so exciting. We miss dad
until December but have fun visiting after school, and having dinner at
the mill with everyone. 
Giada snuck in a tractor ride with Cousin Andy
Costume pictures with Bre Meyer. I thought our days of matching costumes was over. It was Giada's year to pick and I was so excited when Gino agreed. Funny to see our blond guy with black hair!
Cousin pic for Nana!
school had a Color Run this year. I went to throw a little color on her
and cheer her along. How fun it was to throw the color packets on the
kids. It was SUPER messy, but fun. I also had the pleasure of getting
Cain Meyer. He may never speak to me again, but I got him good!
The kids are always bummed when Mike is milling and they are stuck with "just mom" for pumpkin carving. Giada
even told Gino, "don't pick anything that is too hard for mom" I
laughed and said I may not be able to do the fancy shaving pumpkins like
dad, but I can certainly master any of the ones in these pumpkin
carving tracing books!!
Giada did a great job on her own this year!
That one time I thought it was a good idea to get pumpkins donated for a 1st grade class project.
When we are milling during Halloween, the trick or treating comes to the ranch.
Hermione Granger is an expert olive oil taste tester!
Halloween at School. The kids had buddies dressed up as the same costume. They were so excited!
so many years, the kids have just been happy answering the door. We
attempt to eat dinner, while getting up every two seconds to run to the
door. Kids are coming so early now, before it is close to being dark!
But now, after awhile they ask to go trick or treating. We walk around
with my brother, Steph and the cousins. Lorenzo refused to put on his
costume, which was fine, but I said he needed to wear some type of
mask. As you can see Gino is now a train conductor. The kids are rarely
the same costumes for the actual trick or treating. So, Lorenzo goes
to put on these orange shades and says he has a mask. The funny part
was, he would tell people, "I'm a dragon!" They would laugh and say,
"Well you look like a Giants fan buddy" and he would say "No, I'm a