We love
having cousins just a short walk away. Quite a few nights a week, we
walk down to my brothers, or they walk to our house. The kids look
forward to it and love running down to see Stella and Reesey.
of having a family business is being in the news. Usually we are
feeling self conscious, even a bit embarrassed by it, but are happy to
share an update on our award winning products. These were from a recent
shoot when we were featured for Women in Business. We are always so
humbled to be chosen for any article with so many wonderful family
businesses in our area.
So many concerts lately, and so much fun they have all been.
Eric Church had no openers and played for HOURS!
Happy Birthday Ryan! Thanks for giving us an excuse to get out and celebrate.
Cheese! This little Mariner had a great season and grew so much as a ball player.
Our newest family member. The big kids went on an adventure with Nonno, and came back with a puppy. Mike and I were quite surprised and thought he was kidding. The real kicker is that it is a Great Pyrenees puppy, so it will be huge. But, she is so cute, sweet; we are growing to love her. She gets along great with Belle and Sydney. I could do without the chewing and digging so hopefully that stops sooner than later. For now CC is enjoying her time with us.
The faces I get these days when I ask them to smile for a photo.
Easter Fun Run. Stella was excited to be with the big girls.
Mike and I split up and ran the 5K with the big kids. They both did so well, it was a beautiful morning at the lake.
Happy 1st Birthday Carter!
Giada requested I take some photos of her blowing this dandelion...
Go Giants. Happy Opening Day!
This is one of those times I think to myself, "why did I let them have chocolate ice cream in the car???!!!" Then I do it over and over again because really I don't care to clean up a little (or big) mess. It's part of being a kid right??
Easter Bonnets! St. Anne's has a tradition of letting the K class make Easter Bonnets and parade around the school. Then later in the day they parade down to Hutchins Street Square to see all Adults taking classes or playing bingo there.
Crazy K Boys!
These two are little buddies. Lorenzo loves seeing his "baby Reesey"
Wildcats for this softball player. Giada had a great coach and learned so much. She even attempted pitching a couple times. Attempt being the key word, most pitches were grounders, but I was proud of her for being brave enough to get on that mound and give it a try. Always fun to play against your school buddies! Great job Addie!
Ginger Bugs! If you have a toddler and are in the San Joaquin area, check this place out.
Happy Birthday Lisa! I love an excuse out to have drinks and dinner with friends.
is the succulent that was in my bouquet from Summer's wedding 2 years
ago. We planted it and finally it had these shoots that were about to
flower.....then CC arrived. It now looks like a torn up mess. But I look
back at this photo remember it has potential to grow back into
this...fingers crossed.

crazy friends hadn't gotten to play together in quite some time.
Kanters were visiting from Canada and it was so nice to catch up.
Congratulations to Jenny on her graduation....now move home! LOL
Easter must be close, the egg dying has begun! We started so late Lorenzo missed out on all the fun.
I think Gino got more dye on his fingers than his eggs!
Usually those kits never work out right when we try them, but this year the tie dye ones worked great!
Gino thought it was important to throw in a few chocolate mini eggs for the Easter Bunny. He's always sure there is some sugar added, so things don't get too healthy around here.
This year Lorenzo had it all dialed in and knew just what to do!
This guy gave up chocolate for Lent. It is his favorite and was VERY hard to do. Kristen gave him these early in the season not realizing he had given them up. He was SO excited on Easter to open them!
Hunt #2 at the lake with cousin Cole!
CC got to join in on the Easter fun. She loved her first time at the lake and rolling around with Giada.
All the kids love Cousin Andy!
had a super rainy end to to the day so we couldn't do a hunt with
Stella at dinner. Steph and I played Easter Bunnies later in the week
and the kids were thrilled. Hunt #3 success.
Spring Break we pretty much stayed around the house this year. Nicole and I did take the kids for a day of fun in SF to the Exploratorium. We were there for hours, and could have stayed all day, but we wanted to hit the beach. Fun had by all!
First order of business was to see if you could drink from the clean water fountain that looked like a toilet. Everything about it seemed off, but the kids were going for it.
This is all toothpicks. It was so amazing and had so many different aspects of San Francisco were included.
Marla's sister, Ashley had twins! The girls were so sweet, Giada and I loved our snuggle time.
Quick morning visit with Dub and KC! Great to see you both, never long enough.
Afternoon swim with the Keller boys. G is outnumbered in this group, and doesn't seem to mind one bit.
Annual Giants pictures with Bre Meyer. Between Lorenzo's pirate eye, Gino's fake smile, and Giada doing her own hair and outfit, we are a real hot mess. But one thing is for sure.... we love us some SF Giants. Hummm Baby!
Adventures with CC at the vet. This girl is growing quick!
Wonderful day at the yard with Marla. I don't think Mar and I have gotten kidless alone time in YEARS. We talked non stop for about 8 hours and it was amazing. Such a great day!
2nd Grade Field trip to Fog Willow Farms
Giada and Elle Belle cheering on Phebs in her Spring Gymnastics performance.
The month's just fly by and when I do these little recaps, it is no wonder why.
No shortage of fun these 3 kiddos!