All road
trips should start watching a movie and eating ice cream. I am one to
always think this is a good idea, until I clean up the mess a few
moments later. BUT for those short 15 minutes of quiet on a long car
ride...I'll take the mess clean up any day!
Graeagle or BUST!
year's annual trip to GE almost didn't happen. It had been a CRAZY
June, but at the last minute we decided to still go and we were glad we
did. A relaxing family time was just what we needed.
Almost all of us thought it continues to be the best fireworks show around...
Lorenzo is a little undecided on it!
New owners at the unit with the bear, but they understand that in buying this place they must allow kid photos!
goal was to learn to ride his bike by his birthday. Well the training
wheels were off, so the parade was on 2 wheels. He did a great job!
Considering it was his longest ride and lots of stop and go, he
Trying to keep L entertained while we waiting in the HOT sun for the parade to start.
I love traditions!
Adventures with Nana to Lodi Lake.
Bath time fun with this guy who NEVER wants to get out of the bath.
This green car was up to no good all summer. I have said this before and will say it again.
Cain + Gino = TROUBLE
girl loves to fish and has been so patient all summer. That is all she
wants to do, now she needs to get to a real lake, river or stream and we
will test her patience.
Cain and Gino may be trouble, but these two have so much fun playing together so sweetly!
hanging out with the Meyers at the lake all day, and joking the baby
had better not come tonight, Brock Meyer arrived. He was out quickly,
like all of Bre's babies. Lucky girl! 7/9/2017
He has got a ton of hair, and it looks to have the Meyer tint of red. So far so good for this new family of 5!
It may have only been 2 hours but I was so thankful to sneak in a brunch and catch up with these beauties.
Snuck in some pool time with our school friends before summer comes to a close.
Everyone was so busy this summer we hardly got to see anyone.
swim team in July. Archuleta kids continue to be naturals in the pool. I
think Heather and Jordan have a long road ahead on the sidelines of the
pool. Giada and Gino had fun in the pool and I love swimming for 2
months out of the year! Sorry Tricia and Cindy :-)
Art Adventures with the Dare Girls.
was not left out of the art classes. This guy loves to draw and was so
excited to have a class with his buddy Carmine. Don't you just love how
they turn out SO different with the same instruction??
the summer the kids did a couple camps at various places. Gymanstics
camp, Bear Creek Church camp, and the ever so fun themed Ginger Bugs
Camp. Gino became a Jedi and Giada would now like to open a clothing
store after making some DIY outfits.
of Olive Oil events this summer. Steve and Jeanne were off to
Colorado, we were in Sacramento at the State Fair and at the OC Fair,
always tell myself, "It's good for the business" but boy is it
embarrassing to be on the news! Thank you KCRA for sharing California
Extra Virgin Olive Oil with your viewers.
Lorenzo caught this fish himself and was so proud!
Giada had a few summer adventures with Stella.
This fun day at the water park ended with ice cream at Leatherby's.
G also had a few sleepovers.... pineapple faces? That was my guess.
bike for this 6 year old. He had a great time checking out many bike
stores with Mike before choosing this beauty. It seemed so big for him
at first, but after a day or two he was steady on it.
Happy 6th Birthday Buddy! This toothless Lego lover had a great day!
Meyer family has joined 3 kid chaos and from the looks of it, Brock
seems to be doing just fine! Happy to be along for the ride at Gino's
party, and everyone loved holding him after his nap.
to the next July Coldani birthday. Happy Birthday Cole. We ran over to
Walnut Creek to celebrate at a very fun water splash pad! Lodi needs to
check it out and make it happen here. So fun! 
been to quite a few kid birthday parties in the last 9 years....Cole
wins for best birthday song expression. He just closed those eyes tight
while everyone sang. He had plenty of friends and cousins to help blow
the candles out.
is outnumbered on this cousin side of the family, but doesn't seem to
mind one bit. The kids love when they get to see each other. Lorenzo
still talks about his sleepovers at "ColeCarter's"
grandparents live around the corner from us. Gino must ask me every day
if Vance is over there. Once in awhile, it works out and the boys get
to play together.
love going to Adelaide's to play. She's always so excited to see what
new animals they have added to the farm. This bunny was so patient while
they dressed her up.
Nana got new chicks. They are cute now....but not for long.
trip of the month....we were off to the OC Fair. We hadn't done this
event before and weren't sure what to expect. Next year we will be more
prepared. It was crazy busy, nuts. Kerns family went with us too, so
thankful for Nicole. She held down the fort with all 5 much of the
weekend, so we could take care of the booth. Gino was disappointed we
never made it to the beach, but they had tons of fair and pool time to
make up for it. Lorenzo is still talking about the pig races we saw