started off with a bang. This brave boy had a surgery at Oakland
Children's. Dr. Betts, who did his emergency surgery when he was a few
weeks old, came to the rescue and took care of us once again. Gino had a
hole sewn up and is now in good shape.
The hardest part was forcing him
to sit still and rest.
They gave him Legos to play with before surgery, they sure know the way to this boys heart.
Holiday dinner, love an excuse to have a nice dinner with friends.
Painting ornaments is SO much fun!
"Look mom, my new fur holds this snow globe"
Gino loves this the old treasure that got passed down from a family member.
Helping Nana and Pops choose the perfect size tree.
Birthday brunch for Steph.
Ready for the Light Parade.
are always rushing a little to take our holiday photos. We either have
to do them super early before harvest, which rarely happens, or in
December when we have 673 other things going on. Thank you again
Stephanie Moe for working with us and capturing these shots; on a day
when I thought that may be impossible. The joy of taking family photos.
Mike had the idea of us all dressing up and it was fun to do something
Mother Daughter Party this year was at Marla's house. What a fun night,
eating delicious food, (we all crave Hilda's tamales all year long)
lots of drinks, and lots of laughs!
This year it was a small group but that didn't stop us from having fun.
Country Girls, just missing our Summer Lee. My Lockeford Besties!
she is one of the best in the business! Thank you for all you do for me
and our family, everyday! Couldn't do this life without you! XO
we have been doing this party for over 20 years. This year the moms
decided to hold the gifts. We hope that is not a tradition that carries
on and we made sure to ask them what the heck they were doing!
the night progressed, the photos looked more like this.... I suck at
the kissy face photo, so clearly I decided to abort the mission and just
smile. Pictures late in the evening are all bad, and so awesome at the
same time! Love making memories, and eating caramel corn with you girls!
Giada and Tatum became fast friends while playing at the ranch. This kitten is well loved.
sure there is much better than matching PJs on kids. I am so glad they
still seem to think its awesome too. Nonni and Nonno took us all on a
Polar Express adventure.
Bingo - Since our school is very well known for it's Friday Bingo
Nights, the kids were happy to get in on the action they always have
heard about.
stop Christmas Pageant. Giada had a singing part this year with her
buddy Jordyn, and she was thrilled. I think we heard the song 582 times
prior to the pageant, but she did a great job. I would never had had the
courage to sing to entire church full of people at that age! Gino this
year didn't fall asleep through the pageant, or pick his nose on stage,
and actually sang, so it was a WIN all around!
Gingerbread houses with 4th grade reading buddies.
Painting a beautiful canvas for the 3rd Grade Christmas Party
are lucky to have a few great sitters that we have used throughout the
years. A couple that are free during the day that have been super
helpful for us. Thank you to Bailey and Courtney for watching little
Lorenzo and taking him and the kids on fun adventures. Courtney and L
went to see Morgan's Christmas program. Looks like he was enjoying
himself. Then some fun with Bailey at Gingerbugs.
Coldani Christmas - Ninja Cookie Decorating
Happy 40th to Scottie Bear Meyer. Even the kids had fun at 5 Windows Brewery.
Books with Ran!
No shortage of cookie decorating this month.
Christmas Eve with the Fuhrmans. Giada was happy to have Reindeer hair from Auntie Steph
Thanks Katie for entertaining them all!
PJs are on...we better get home before head home before Santa arrives.

SANTA CAME! The smiles make the holiday madness all worth it.
Personalized volleyball and pottery kit for Giada.
I am sure the boys will be super safe with these swords! Favorite part of their stockings.
BAYMAX! This boy loves the movie Big Hero 6!
told the kids that Santa DOES NOT bring live pets. I am not sure what
happened here, but "Hampse" has arrived and Gino couldn't be happier.
Christmas Lunch at Nonni's house.
This looks like it could be a problem......
kids and I quickly went down to SLO to visit the Clarins for 24 hours.
The beach is good for the soul. We missed the Schafers!!
Delicious meal at Cracked Crab. Girls were in heaven.
Gino wanted it documented that he finally tried some crab.
Ice cream in downtown SLO before we hit the road.
we drove out of town, I took the kids on a little ride through campus.
LOVE CP, hopefully we can convince one or all of them to go there! Go
Made a little stop by dad's old stopping grounds, too.
two have so much fun together. Lorenzo has a love for Marli "Maree"
that is not matched by many others. Fun day at the park.