Sorry for the lack of posts (Jackie!) I'll try to get back to doing it on Sundays. (How often have I said that???) I'm not sure if I mentioned this to my blogger family, but a couple weeks ago I stopped working for Palmer Advertising. It was a hard decision to make, I had worked there since 03! But....I'm happy now that the decision has been made and I can spend all my time with Giada. This is our first week really getting into a routine. For the last 2 weeks a lot of my friends and my mom have had 2 week spring break, so we had lots of friends to play with. I will also be able to help more with the oil business as well, which is always good for the family.
One day we went to the park with Nana, Marla and Jared. Giada LOVES
the swings, and tunnels too.
the swings, and tunnels too.
One day we had lunch with Bre, Amy, Renee and kids. I guess they wanted to go outside.
Petyon Diehl, just turned a year in March.
Jude Ali
We've made a couple trips out to the lake lately. Fun for Giada to
run around and Sydney to get some exercise too.
run around and Sydney to get some exercise too.
Uncle Gino came to visit and wanted to check out the cattle, so to the ranch we went.
Giada was not scared of those big cows at all and wanted to be closer!!
Giada was not scared of those big cows at all and wanted to be closer!!

Lots of visits with pops!
A visit with Lucca Guontone. He just turned a year last week.
All the kids at his party waiting patiently for the pinata!

We tested it out this weekend. It's a hit, she loves it.