This week has been jam packed like no other! Holiday activities with friends, and lots of oil projects to work on. Calivirgin extra virgin olive oil and Calivinegar Balsamic were picked up at Williams Sonoma stores nationwide, so we are super excited to see how that partnership goes! Everyday we are shipping off packages all over the country, we are so thankful for all our new and returning customers!!
Last week we stopped by the Diehls to grab dinner and let the girls play. They are so sweet together and Bre had their very own table set up for dinner...which they were thrilled about!

Giada has been doing gymnastics for a couple years now, once in awhile I remember to snap a few pictures. She will soon be out of parent tot classes and on her own. This also means I don't have to be in the Holiday Program next year...yippee :)

I don't have the video of the show ready but here are a few pics from the Gymnastics Holiday Show. This year was a Disney theme. Giada and her friend Claire Nuss.
Playing around while they waited to do the finale
This weekend was our annual Mother Daughter Christmas Party. This year it was in Sac and hosted by Hilder. We had someone come take all the photos, so I don't have many yet...but here are a few previews- with the required hair flair! Thanks Hilder- it was amazing!!
A few of us got together Friday night at Waterloo for dinner and drinks! We shut that place down. Lots of good food and laughs!!

Bre @ BW Photography still has openings this weekend!
Super cute set, love how the photos turned out!

Birthdays! We know lots of people with December birthdays!
We went to a pizza party for Seve - he turned 3, and gave me a super cheesy smile when I requested a photo!! Happy Birthday Seve!
Preston turned 4! The kids had a blast at the construction themed gymnastic party! We will miss you when you are off on your adventure this year! Keep in touch! Happy Birthday Preston!
My Aunt Ran had a birthday too! We went to celebrate with her this weekend.
Happy Birthday Ran!
This pic I forgot to post a few weeks ago. Gino got to meet his 2nd cousin and Great Aunt!
Thank you Pinterest....glowsticks in the bathtub...would have never thought of it, but so much fun!

Giada got an early Christmas gift from friends...fort kit...she loves it! Flashlights and forts...what else do you need??

Gino always laughs at whatever Giada is doing....but dressing him up in headbands...he doesn't seem thrilled..

AND last but certainly not least my new favorite pic of the kids!