I had Stella work on a special "LOVE" project for Matt & Steph. She is by far the messiest painter I've had the privilege of working with, which is saying a lot considering the last time we painted Gino made his hair red! This was just the start before she did the real damage, good thing she is so cute!
Always glad that I sign up for Stephanie Moe's Mini Sessions for the year, it forces me to take pictures all year with the kiddos. As I have mentioned before, Giada has mastered that fake smile and encourages Gino to participate so they can go get ice cream! I'm always down with a kid bribe! This time it was raining so we had some fun outside with umbrella's too. Gino almost blew away!

Last but not least, Gino's new favorite grin!
On actual Valentine's Day we went to visit all the grandparents and great grandparents to bring them some Valentine's treats. The kids even did some painting at Grandma Carols, good times at her new digs.

We also took some cousin pictures with Bre! (BW Photography). Nonni & Nana love the pics with all their grand kids in them. Of course we all look like a circus act trying to get them all to even look in the direction of the camera! If everyone is looking, it is considered a success!

I told Gino to "freeze" meaning stay still and quit moving his body around for 2 seconds so we could get a picture...and this is what we got - lol!

We took the kids to Graeagle for a couple of much needed days to do nothing! We made some delicious dinners, watched movies, and played. No snow yet, odd for this time of year. Last year we were snow shoeing!
I'm always happy as long as I see some deer. This time we saw a group of about 9!