The first night we had a BBQ at one of the houses with a pool. It was so hot and the kids loved swimming around. The night was not complete without ice cream, lizard catching and glow sticks. If uncle Chris wasn't the favorite because he can talk like Donald Duck, he may be now because he taught the kids how to cut the glow sticks and write all over themselves like body paint.
Carmen, all the way from Texas!
Christie always ended up with Leo. He is from Texas as well, so it was all of our first time meeting him!
Jenny with Elsie and Emme (her daughter and niece)
And we all know Gino Ray wouldn't pass up the ice cream...the almonds add nutritional value right?!
On Saturday, we had the family reunion out at the lake. It was a beautiful day, not too hot and plenty for everyone to do. Between the bouncy house/water slide, paddle boards, snow cones, fishing, and lots of visiting, the day flew by.
The siblings (minus Chuck). Chuck and his family had a good excuse, they were in San Diego waiting for their first grandchild to arrive that same weekend! They were all missed!
My mom and her sisters. The three girls are squished in the middle between 5 boys, 3 older and 2 younger.
I agree Tanner, best way to dig with heavy machinery is with your eyes closed!
Gino an Carmen are just days apart!
I should apologize to Tyler. I think I played the worse Corn Hole game of my life! I don't think I got one in the hole. I blamed those Oregon boards for being slippery, or at a bad angle (seemed like the best excuses I could come up with!)....I was so off my game that day. Rematch Tyler!!

Lots of fishing to be done all day! Collin started out working together with Gino, then realized his dad may help him be more successful!

And then we have Drew..... He literally fished for hours. He tried the dock, banks, canoe, and open water. Finally success! I have never seen a kid more determined!!
Can we talk about how nice I am to my sister in law?? I mean the way I see it, she still owes me. She agreed to go on a ride, but didn't have her swim suit on didn't want to get wet. I have to admit it was a little wobbly in the beginning but we got our balance together. I could have EASILY dumped her off and it would have been SO funny. The only mean thing I did was take her through the waterfall...I mean I couldn't let her stay totally dry. You owe me Steph!
Our family has been so supportive of Calivirgin and sending our products all over the country for gifts, as well as using for their own cooking. We were happy to give them a tour of the trees, mill and do a tasting. I liked the picture someone snagged of Mike in the field too!
Sunday Night we had a lunch BBQ at my aunt Ran's, and a dinner BBQ at the house Jamie rented. We finally snagged the family photos too. We were missing Stella, Matt, Steph in these photos and the 12 family members that didn't make the reunion. We are a BIG group, this is just the immediate family on my moms side!
Siblings & Spouses
Kids & Spouses
Kids of Kids
The chefs of BBQ night 3!