time. This year I really dropped the ball. We didn't have a good time
to make a bunch of pickles, so we ran over when my mom and Ran were
doing some and jumped in on their batch. We were able to get smaller
pickles this year and can fit so many more in the jars! This is a big
deal if you are a pickle maker! :-)
Our 3 Musketeer's!
Giada loves to snuggle with Lorenzo in the morning when she wakes up and after school when she gets home.
Happy Birthday Pops!
Birthday's with Pops the last few years.The kids have grown so much, and next year we will have Stella's little sister in the bunch.
Camping at the lake is always so much fun. This year we did Labor Day instead of Memorial Day and had the best weather ever. No wind! It's so rare for that to happen. I guess I was too busy to take many photos!

Thanks for coming up James...next year you will camp!
Swimming with friends, all the way into September with this unusually long warm weather we have had in 2015.
When I saw this sweet moment, I had to capture it. I will have to remember that they do love each other at moments when I am unsure! LOL. Fighting one minute, loving on each other the next.
For our 9th anniversary Mike and I made a quick trip to SF. We always tend to pack a lot in and this was no different. But despite doing a lot we managed to relax and even sleep in the next morning. We had Giants tickets that evening so we spent the morning in Golden Gate Park. I had never been and it was huge! We went into the Flower Conservatory which surprised us both by how interesting it was inside the current exhibit. The exhibits change a few times throughout the year.
A quick stop into Ameoba Music, what a cool store. SO many records, we bought a few more for our collection.
Delicious lunch on the water, highly recommend if you are near the Embarcadero. We ordered quite a few tapas to share, which is my favorite way to eat. I love trying multiple dishes.
for the win. MadBum almost pulled off a No Hitter. The stadium was
silent waiting to see how it played out. One hit got through, but it
was a shutout and a great game, he sure has some talent.

Thanks Nonni and Nonno for watching all the kiddos!
My kids LOVE to play in dirt.
6 Months. Pictures of all the kids below; Lorenzo certainly wins in the hair department.
- Enjoys eating, but doesn't love the high chair. So far he hasn't spit out or refused any food. He makes a funny face when he first tastes it and then just eats it right up.
-Still very easy to put to sleep; still wakes up quite a few times in the night.
- Scoots around to get to what he wants.
- Thinks his brother and sister are so funny and cracks up when they talk to him.
- Squirmy and wants to be moving
- Loves to cuddle up with you and snuggle right into your neck and rest.
- Still loves bath time
-No teeth yet.
Giada has been riding along with me on some of my long runs. It has been fun, it is a nice distraction from what I am doing. It is time for her to have a bigger bike! She towers over this one.