Can you believe it??? I am caught up!!!
has had lots of dress up days. When you are at a school with uniforms,
that makes it even more fun. The kids were trying to win a free dress
pass for wearing the most pink. Tough Guys Wear Pink, but apparently not
enough to win. Loved seeing all this color on campus.
Support Breast Cancer Awareness.

Red Ribbon Week. Say NO to DRUGS!
College Day, supporting Mom and Dad's Mustangs

After school treat with cousin Stella and walk at the Lodi Lake Nature Trail; fun afternoon. Who am I kidding...they were all fighting by the end, but don't they look cute at the beginning with the ice cream! LOL!
Ginger Bugs strikes again. Lorenzo loves it there. Marli loves Lorenzo, he just isn't so sure about her long hugs just yet.
This guy says "Ready, Set , Go" before he does most things. i.e. Sliding, running, etc. He also yells at me from the back seat at streetlights. I try to explain that it is a red light and I can't go, you can imagine how well that goes over.

This is how we wait for the rain. Walk around in clothes pretending it is summertime.
When the rain hits, walk again.
Lorenzo, Nana and I went to support Stella at Olympic Sports Day!

More Cousin Love! Carter and Cole are both growing up so quick!
End of another great season. Next year on to the big field.
Season 1 of Cross Country is in the books!
Fall fun. This guy loves raking leaves almost as much as he likes making this squishy face when you take a photo.
Did you think I was kidding?? Once in awhile we see those big blue eyes!
Gino had lots of teeth work done this month. Two teeth extracted. The
only good news was that meant the Tooth Fairy could finally visit him.
The only silver lining is that maybe that he will eat a little
less candy and sticky stuff!
Always an exciting and crazy time in Oct/Nov for us. Dad works early,
late and long hours and we make lots of visits. The do like helping to
load the olives, remove leaves and find critters. Which, in Gino's case
means throw the snake at mom, over and over to try and get it on her
After school treats with Elle Belle!

Fun Date Night at the new Golden 1 Area. Penatonix put on a great show.
Us the Duo before them were excellent too. We lucked out and had no harvest that night so we could go, thank you rain!
Birthday Sara! Over what hill? You can still keep up with the best of
us at your OLD age. We had a great Sunday Funday celebrating.
month flew by, and it was finally time to carve pumpkins. Our expert
pumpkin carver was still milling as we were in harvest, so the kids were
stuck with me.
years costumes were inspired by Gino. He said, "My name is Gino Ray, so
I should be a Sting Ray" I know my days of themed costumes is maybe in
it's last year. But, when Giada agreed to be Dory, I figured Lorenzo
could be Nemo and we would be set. A sting ray is not an easy costume
to find, so we had to make. And by "we" I mean my mom, AKA Nana, needed to make it.
The kids are convinced I can't sew anyway, so we will just let them keep
believing that! We updated Giada's costume so it wasn't a "baby
costume" as she was very concerned about that. Lorenzo would scream and
run at the sight of the Nemo costume so he ended up in just a hat.
Everyone was happy, mission accomplished! Thanks Bre Meyer for the pics!
The Sting Ray is really a Party in the back.
Mr. Ray is taking all his students for a ride, just like in the movie!
On Halloween we made the rounds to Grandma Barbara's, Nana's and Kristen's.
KR always wins for best costume and most festive porch.
Teaching their little brother how it's done. Trick or Treat.
Cousins in Costumes
Ginger Bugs Painting Party was so much fun. Every child's was so unique, just like them!
On actual Halloween, my kids always change outfits into some old costume we have. It isn't normal. LOL. Cat-Woman circa 2015 was back.
Last but not least, we got to meet baby Christian!! Congrats Em and Chris.