See what happens when I don't do once a week postings? Months go by. I knew I gave myself that rule for a reason. Well here is February in a nut shell.
Adventure to Fairytale Town with Nonni. The kids are so fortunate to get to see both sets of Grandparents all the time.
Giada loves crab so we take her to the Swim Club "kid friendly" crab feed. Giada and Aunt Patsy were cracking away and adding Lemon Olive Oil to every bite.
We had a Sunday recently that was totally free; very rare and nice. We took some kites to the park and had a great time. Giada would have stood there for hours holding her kite in place.

A dino tail for 2 people to wear... or just throw one in the front and the back. It didn't last long, he was crashing into everything.
Yippee we have a new baby in the family. Our niece Reese Kathryn was born on 2.11.16. We had a fun day with Stella awaiting the arrival of her sister. The kids loved having her sleep over on a school night.
Visit with friends to meet Brooklyn's new brother Cameron. We have all the fun while Giada is in school. Shhh don't tell her.
I promise he was tickling him and not trying to choke him!
These are not the best action shots but it was so much fun watching #3 this season. This was our first time with Upward Sports and she learned so much. All of us were sad it was over. Her coaches did a great job with the girls, thank you Marshall, Dan and Brian.We ended up having a little get together on his actual birthday during the week. Weird to have it on a week day, but kind of nice too! The weekends are too busy these days.
Cain has conquered his fear of bounce houses! He now may be the craziest one on them. Watch out!
Baby Reese slept through most of the party.
Most kids look so different across the 12 month photos. Not this guy. When you have a full head of hair when you are born, the look doesn't change all that much.
That's a wrap, pajammas are on and we are headed home. His favorite things were playing with the balloons and playing with all the kids shoes.
CP softball reunion! Christie and I headed to UOP to watch Cal Poly play. The festivities continued into the evening and I took every opportunity to cuddle with Cam!
Nonno took the kids on a Sunday adventure. They ate about 10 oranges each, and picked a ton more. They were so delicious!!
More fun with Nonno... Gino said "it was the biggest tractor I ever saw"

Finally took this guy to Impact Sports. He waits wants to get in there and play so bad with the kids are at Gymnastics.
The Valentine's Decor had a little special touch this year.

All kids looking at the camera and some smiling = success. Thanks Bre Meyer!
Class parties are always such an exciting day for the kids.
Grandparents/VIP day at Giada's school. This year I was on the committee for this event. We changed a few things which always makes more work the first year, but should be smooth sailing for future years. Adding the element of seeing the classrooms proved to be fun for the children and the Grandparents!
Frozen on Ice with Nana and Aunt Ran. They filled them up with sugary treats and then dropped them back off at home! :-)
What is more fun than watching the Super Bowl in the spa?
St. Anne's has a fun tradition of making masks for Mardi Gras. The kids parade around after mass and everyone looks forward to it each year. Ours always include lots of feathers!
This boy loves to swing. Fun day at the lake with all the cousins.
So we will end this super long post with all things Lorenzo!
This boy is seriously the sweetest. I am not just saying that. I wouldn't say that about the other two! JK. He is so easy to make happy, smile and laugh.
-He still goes to bed pretty early, and has YET to sleep through the night. Every night I think maybe it's the night....and then it isn't! LOL. It's ok, I won't know what to do with myself with more sleep. He is still taking 2 naps. They are of decent length, 1 -1.5 hours if we are home, and shorter cat naps if we are out and about.
- He only says a few words "Uh Oh" "Da Da" "Ma Ma"
- Good eater. Often I think he eats more than Gino. Still loves avocado, eggs, raspberries and lately frozen yogurt pops. If you are eating he is yelling to have some as well. Loves drinking (and back washing) with a straw.
- Still just 4! Everyone keeps telling me I need to stop giving him only soft food, but the kid doesn't have any teeth! I'm sure it is partly my worry and I need to get OVER it.
-Loves to find the cats and chase them around making noise at them. Maybe trying to say "Meow"?
-Loves to find electrical sockets and make sure we have put a safety switch on them.
-He will pull everything down to try and stand on it to get himself higher, then he makes all kinds of noise to show you how proud he is of what he has done.
-Balls!!! If he sees one, he wants it. If there is anything resembling a hoop, he puts it in there. We have to watch out for what he is putting in the trash cans. He doesn't usually want a small little ball either, he wants to carry around a full size basketball hoop.
- Been very steady since day 1 of walking around 11 months. Goes up and down steps well and fairly cautious. It was weird not to have that wobbly kid stage as they learn to walk but nice since he is constantly chasing after the big kids.
- Too many too count. He is good for about 1/2, then we have to try and hold him in place for the remainder. His hair looks to be getting much blonder.