First of all congratulations are in order to Gina and Scott and Matt and Steph, who both got engaged last week. Next year will be a busy one for the Fuhrman's and the Coldani's. Can't wait to celebrate!!
Gina and Scott
Matt and Steph
I'm a little late in posting this 10 month photo...but here it is. Tried to be creative this month as the cute block idea no longer works AT ALL. But she loves this hammock swing so the distaction is easier this way. She is getting lots of teeth these days and always chomping on her fingers.

She has been busy learning lots of new things this month:
- playing peek a boo with herself
- learned how to wave
- working on giving hi-five
- stands well on her own
- takes a few steps here and there, most is up to 4, but would prefer to crawl super fast everywhere
- 4 teeth now on the top. She got her "fangs" first but the middle teeth are quickly catching up (and looking quite crooked)
-she knows a few words, if we tell her to get her monkey, she knows just who that is and goes and gets it, she seems to understand a few things, so that has been a fun change
- loves to pull her socks off and thinks its very funny - she steps on them with one foot to get them off with the other
- eating more and more, the nursing is slowly coming to a stop so that will be a big transition for her soon
-slept 4 whole hours in a ROW for the first time the other night. It only happened once, but I consider it progress, we have been working on the sleeping the last couple weeks
- loves to chew on pickles, makes a weird face every once in awhile, but seems to love chewing on them. You'd think if she likes that flavor she would eat anything!!
- not a big fan of sweets - what kid doesnt like bannanas!!!!???
-hair is getting long and thick
-loves to drop and throw things for a willing participant to pick up for her
-and has started dancing to music, its too cute, she bobs her knees up and down
Practicing for Christmas - tearing up all the ribbon

Loves climbing in and on top of everything!

And she loves the swings!