This weekend we went bowling for Bre's birthday. It was so much fun.
I can't remember the last time I went bowling.

We were all split up into teams and the next pic below shows the team that was unstoppable. :) We won both games. Trent kept saying he didn't think a pregnant person could bowl, and that I was actually going to be a disadvantage for the team.....I'm not sure why he thought my arm wouldn't work!???
Team 2
Team 3

And per usual the boys were giving Scott a hard time about his drink of choice... But Trent was quick to admit "Im not gonna lie, that tastes delicious!!"
Well of course there are lots of Easter pics! Last week we went to see the Easter Bunny and I forgot to post them. After a few minutes of checking the bunny out she was on board to go say hi to him and sit on his lap. Also we got to visit with Marla, her darling little boy Jared and her family. It was great to see them and visit for a bit.

We are fortunate to have both families in town. So Sunday we headed to Mikes family for brunch and over to my family for dinner. Giada had an Easter egg hunt at every house. It was fun to have one in the morning with her, she was so excited to find the eggs. We dyed eggs Saturday night and baked cookies. Giada was picking them all up with her hands, so they were soon green. And the cookies she mostly just enjoyed putting sprinkles on them. Good memories all around.
Egg Dying!
Giada wanted "baby" to help with the cookies...
Then I think discovered she wasn't much help, and told her to "just watch"...

Loved her new Sydney and Max placemat!
But the best part really is the grass!
The hunt is on!
My dad wins most creative eggs award. He colored all these eggs and drew Monsters Inc. characters on them. She loved finding them and yelling out which character was on the egg.
And anyone who knows my dad, also knows there would be an alien "Al"egg

I have to share this funny thing that was said at Easter. I am aware I'm growing quickly these days. But, it was told to me "You are much bigger this time arent you? Last time you only got big at the end" - I wanted to laugh, but wasn't sure how to respond and just agreed! LOL
This weekend we also did the Easter Fun Run. Giada's friends Seve and Preston ran with her. We made a fun video with the pics and footage we took.

Some random pics from the week...
Nonni gave Giada these little animals that go on your sunglasses, she loved them don't you think?

This week I had a headache one day and wanted to nap when Giada did, so I told her she could nap in mommies bed. She was excited. I was thinking we could cuddle and take a nap. Oh...not so much.... she wanted to bring pillow pet into bed. So I said sure, go get it. She was taking forever, so I went to check on her. She kept dropping stuff that's why it took so long. She was bringing every stuffed animal in her bed. I tried some negotiating for her to just bring 1 or 2....well you can see who won that battle. :)

Funny stuff Giada has said this week
-Well every kid is a product of it's surroundings for sure, and she is no exception. Giada has a Nonni and Nonno that have lots of cattle. So now she is very good at telling you a baby cow is called a "calf" and a daddy cow is called a "bull"
- She taps on her chin and says "I know dea" (I know idea) and proceeds to show you whatever it is...
-I asked Giada if she wanted to help me bring in the groceries, she said "Sure, I strong"
It cracks me up when little kids use the words in the right context.
27 weeks
-Still kicking a ton, and growing quickly.
-Dr appt this week, all is well and he should be here 3rd week in July.
- The cough I've had for a month that the doctors have been tell me are one thing or another, now they have decided is a pregnancy thing. Everything is cramped up inside ....So, to me thats more annoying because it can't really be fixed. So they are having me sleep on some really uncomfortable wedge pillow. It's only been a couple maybe that will improve!
- I'm working out a fair amount but I really want to go on a LONG run. I can't wait until mid Sept when I'm approved to run. (hopefully)
- I also can't wait to have a Lodi roll and some Blue Moons! :)