I saw a cute idea online or Muffin Tin Monday.... we tried it this week and it was super fun. Giada loved eating from each cup, and of course suggesting to me what should go in each one. Only thing is ....she wants to do this every day!
Giada loves to make Gino laugh by making funny faces when he is eating.

Fancy Nancy loves to ride on the scooter with us!

Gino likes to do whatever sister is doing! Pulling up on EVERYTHING these days.

SO...the day finally came for the Shamrockin half marathon. I signed up months ago...maybe Nov/Dec in hopes of getting myself back in shape. Well that was totally unsuccessful! I had only run a handful of times and 8 miles max, one time. I'm not a good trainer, so this wasn't so abnormal, I have just never been so out of shape, so I really didn't think I would make it to the end, running the whole thing. We had lots of friends say they would sign up....and they didn't, or waited too long and it was sold out. So it was just Dub, Meyer, T-Bird and B Sieb. They all did awesome and I brought up the rear. It was so early, dark and cold when we started out. They changed the run course, which was a nice surprise and I enjoyed this course much better than the other times I have run it. So I'm going to discuss a few things about having larger boobs when running...so if that is TMI just don't read it! :) So, it's pretty clear that I have always had super small boobs my whole life....except when nursing....which is now. They are always changing sizes and I don't want to keep buying bras, so I just try to fit them into my old bras. Not a good idea. I just don't see what all the hype is about them - they are nothing but in the way. They bulge under your armpit and they hurt when doing any exercise. Not to mention they don't fit in shirts and usually look inappropriate bulging out of any v neck or button up shirt. The ONLY positive I've found is they help offset the baby fat roll that still remains! So I was in denial that this run was happening and started looking for my running stuff late Saturday night.....naturally I couldn't find my running pack where I usually carry my ID, gels etc. So I have my phone on my arm band for music and stuffed my ID in there, but no room for gels. I thought..not a huge deal I will just store those in my sports bra....again - Bad idea! So right away I'm running and I have to keep re-adjusting my bra for 2 hrs 18 mins as they kept coming out at the bottom of my sports bra. About mile 2... I realize the gels are slipping out too. SO, I kept just stuffing them in there thinking Ill eat one at mile 6 and 10 or so... well about mile 2 one pops out of my bra, out of my shirt and falls to the ground....immediately gets stomped on by another runner and chocolate mint gel is everywhere - WTF....so then I hold the other one...about mile 5 I'm sick of holding it and just eat it. Definitely need to plan better for the next run! Around mile 8 I was SO sore and not sure if I'd make it and miles 11-12 I was just telling myself one foot in front of the other! Somehow I finished and better than expected but I certainly could not have run one more step!

Awhile back Gino did some pictures with Stephanie Moe Photography. It was at her new studio which is such a great space! Go check it out! She was taking pics for S&E Designs. Look them up too... she makes darling tutus, bows and hats for the kids! I'm pretty sure I need to order this monster hat!

Gino enjoys eating most fruits, carrots, and peas....but really prefers when I let him feed himself!

Giada eats a little more civilized! LOVES shrimp, but is really a good eater in general.
-" I lost all my manners at Nana's, but I found them"
- " I just love pistachios"
- We made cake pops to take Peyton for her birthday. Giada said " Petyon is going to love these, she is going to smile and laugh"
- After a nap " I just woke up for a 100 years"
- " you know who likes honey? bees and us"
- Loves acting out the story of the 3 little pigs, and going on a bear hunt...
- Mike turned on the Laker game, and the announcer said their name. Giada said " We don't like the lakers! Wheres the kings dad" I swear we can't make this stuff up!
- We were at Target and I usually tell her the workers say she has to stay in the cart...works pretty well most of the time... the other day she said " Where are the people that live here? The ones that say I can't get out" lol
- Loves getting herself dressed. I try to have her pick the pants and shoes, or shirt and shoes, so I can choose one part to try and make it match somewhat....but those days are coming to a close. So look out world....mismatched Giada will be out on the town
- Likes picking up Gino these days, so we have to keep a close eye on her
-Potty training! I gave up! I stopped asking or suggesting anything. She wears pull ups and I ask occasionally, but the last few days she goes a bunch on her own...so maybe we are getting there. We did make a potty chart and she puts different stickers each time, and that seems to be a hit! Hope I'm reporting a fully potty trained girl soon!
- Crawling and pulling himself up on everything
- Nighttime sleeps are hit/miss...one night he will only wake a couple times, sometimes 6 times. I'm not surprised but hopeful we turn a corner there soon.
- Sweet boy, easy going, laughs and smiles a lot
- Babbling a lot no real words yet
- Two bottom teeth are getting big