Well there is never a dull moment with kids, and especially not with Giada. She is a chatterbox, constantly cracking us up, and very adventurous. I'm usually surprised she isn't hurting herself jumping from one thing to the next. But in this case the black eye is still a mystery! Giada woke up out of bed, in her room crying the other night. I tried to calm her down, she was so upset. Turn on the light and she had an instant black eye and scrape! No wonder she was so upset. We got her calmed down and to sleep that night, thinking she would be able to tell us in the morning what happened. Every time you ask it is a different story. But she never mentioned it hurting after that first night, she just got a nasty black eye. She would tell her friends, "look I broke my eye!" Glad that is pretty much heeled but now every night I closely review the room to make sure nothing is in the way, night lights are on...it's almost worse not knowing the cause!!
Gymnastics Camp! Giada attended camp last week. She had a great time with her friend Claire. And the 2 hour class seemed to tire her out too, which is tough to do! 
Happy Birthday Linds!
Mel and I hanging out during the outdoor movie.
Thanks again Zia Gina for watching the kids so we could have a night out.
Looks like you had lots of fun!
So I get a call from Hilder...."Is Giada awake? I'm coming by with a LIVE gift for her!" Hilder, is this a hermit crab or something??? "No"....well it was 5 frogs. Giada was in heaven!
Happy Fathers Day!! The yearly pics....were no good this year. Well I should say not as good as other years, but telling to our life now. Gino doesn't sit still! We tried the wagon no luck, he kept dropping his letter and thinking it was real funny!

On Fathers Day we decided to go bowling with the kids. It was super fun! Giada had a great time. The bumpers go up and down with just her turn so we could regular bowl which was even better. It had been awhile since I had experienced bumper bowling and I had no idea of this new technology! Then off to check out Bass Pro Shop, Lunch and BBQ at the lake with Mikes Family. Fun Day.
Lots of "sleepovers!"
Matt and Steph took some maternity pictures with Stephanie Moe Photography before Stella arrived. They turned out just beautiful!
Stella Jean Fuhrman is here!! Steph was a trooper! Stella was due on Fathers Day but came on June 20th! After a couple long days she arrived. She is such a sweetheart, and sleeping better than my kids ever did! We are so fortunate to live right near Matt and Steph and see Stella every day. It will be fun to have the kids grow up together and Giada is just in love with her, and so are we!
Born 6/20/2012 8lbs 11 oz20 inches
Matt snuck Giada up to the room, she was thrilled!
While I am working at the ranch on oil days, the kids have many fun adventures with Nana. This week they headed to the park and Zoo. Giada has been asking to see the Lorakeets, she remembers them from last year. Clearly, she does not have my fear of birds!
Fun at the splash park! Movies with pops!
Breakfast with Nat - Dogg!
Busy week! This was just the half of it! How is it almost JULY!!!!