Before the end of the year we had dinner with our Australian friends! Easton was on the move now and has grown so much since we saw him last. The kids love playing together!
HAPPY NEW YEAR from our family to yours! We had been so busy in November & December that we decided to lay low on New Years Eve. That is very untypical of us, but we had a great night!
At the end of the year we decided our kitchen needed the last of the updating that was long overdue. I have no design vision, but Mike had always thought they would look better white. It is amazing how much it has changed the look and brightened the place up! Jason Brannon of Brannon Painting did the job for us and it turned out excellent!
When you need your apple cut, well just get your saw...and have a sword for back up.
Happy Birthday Stella! Or as the kids say, "Our Stella or Seve's Stella??"
Lately the kids have been able to have lots of fun with friends! Dino rides with Peyton..
Ice cream with Nico..
Dress up with the Archuleta's...
Niners had a good run... Salute!

The kids and I were at the park playing and Giada wanted to take some pictures.... and this is what we got!

For Christmas my dad decided my mom would like Chickens, so a coop was made. The kids pretty much think this was the best gift ever. They want to go over multiple times a day to check on Boo, Sully and Mikey. Multi- colored eggs are a big hit.

Fun day with Stella last week. The weather was so beautiful we spent hours at the lake!