Winter break with friends.
LEGO obsessed, these two!Who says it is too cold and rainy out for ice cream???
2017 in REVIEW - I always like looking at the top 9 pics from the year on Instagram.
Such fun memories from the year. NYC, Anniversary, Holidays, 1st day of school.
day on the ranch with Chloe & Joe Barbera. The Barbera's just had
baby #3, and Gino was so sweet to take the big kids on an adventure and
give Erica a break at home with the new addition.
Basketball time. Both kids are pumped to play Upward this year. This was Mike's first time coaching, and I think he has the bug. Giada loved it, and he really enjoyed helping each girl grow in her skills throughout the season. We had a few girls that had never played before and coach Adam and Mike did a great job with them.
This guy is just here for the snacks!
Happy birthday to Kam!
Our Sydney girl had a rough month. She had a massive growth removed, but is on the mend. As of this post (April) she is doing great, back to her old self, and all healed up! I was really worried about this one. The vet told me it was more dangerous to leave this growth on her than the worry of putting her under at her age. So, off to surgery we went! Good thing I had the best vet helper around to keep me company.
Good Foods Celebration. Mike went up to accept the award for our company this year. Hot Virgin Jalapeno was the big winner. As a bonus we got some time with our fellow winners, the Oliver Family. This business has allowed us the opportunity to meet many amazing people and this Georgia family is at the top of the list. So glad the girls could finally meet. One of these years we will make it there to see those Sunflowers in person. It was Giada's birthday weekend, so she spent it in the city with us.
Of course this girl wanted crab for her birthday dinner. She did not understand why it isn't all you can eat at a restaurant, as it is at Crab Feeds. Fun spending the weekend with her all by herself. Special memories.
Then we put her to work slinging olive oil. Thanks Linds, for sneaking her away for lunch.
Boys didn't look like they were missing us at all!
On her actual birthday I had to leave early to get back to the city for meetings. We had an early celebration before school, cake pops for her class and she was headed to dinner with Gino and Dad.
Spoiled, she even got to sneak in so fun after school with Auntie Kristen. Nail shop for the win.
Crab Feed! Possibly one too many drinks, but what a fun night out!
It always seems like a good idea at the time.
These two have been friends since birth and are just growing up SO fast.
It's a wonder that this guy has made it this long. "Hampse" seemed to enjoy his first tractor ride.
year Nonni and Patsy took Giada for the day to celebrate her birthday.
They were off to the American Girl Store. Caroline got her hair fixed
and a new basketball outfit to boot.
even got a pet hamster herself. No trip to the American Girl store is
complete without popping into the Williams Sonoma Store in Palo Alto to
check on our Calivirgin products.
am tired just reading all the celebrating Giada did. This year it was
so special to not have a big party and have 1:1 time with her and all
the loved ones in her life. I hope she enjoyed it as much as we all
did. 9!! How is she 9??
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