I knew
life had been busy, but WOW since February! The blog makes me download
my photos, I can't believe, I hadn't done it in months! Time really has
been flying. My phone is dying a quick death, so I am quickly trying to
get them all off my phone, I just can't trust the icloud and like to
back up my back up! Crazy, I know.
Valentine's Pics with Bre Meyer. Love this tradition.

LOVE Day - Lorenzo spent it at Ginger Bugs with Bailey! L loves his Thursday adventures with Bailey, she's the best around.
Dress like a teacher day. I think G nailed Ms. Gradin
Another year, another Grandparents VIP lunch in the books. Making lunch for 400+ is no easy task, but we have it down now!
Mardi Gras parade is a fun school tradition. The kids decorate masks, and parade around with the Music Teacher playing the trumpet as they walk about.
3rd Grade
1st Grade
Fun trip to Tahoe with friends for the annual "SNOW" trip. This year...minus the snow.Who wants to go sledding when you can just eat snow??
We rushed down the mountain to make it to Reesey's 2nd Birthday. This girl loves MiMi (Minnie)
Gino played his best game on the court when he was guarding his best buddy! Good game boys!
Everybody loves Carter-Man! Cousin time is the best time.
Lorenzo turns 3! We couldn't wait to celebrate this sweet boy.Celebrations at home and then per his request Bay Max(Big Hero 6) party at Ginger Bugs. Thanks to Kelli for doing it all!
This guy LOVES Marr--ee (Marli) Anytime spent with his gal is a good day.
Well the kids decided to separate the balls. All the orange ones out. I have never seen this done before, and I am sure Kelli hopes it never happens again. It took the kids FOREVER to get them all back in!
We had so much fun celebrating this sweet boy. He seemed to enjoy himself, too!
- Speaks VERY well. I am often asked if he is older than he is because of his height and speech.
- He does still say some funny things grill = girl
- He does know all the Ninja Turtle and says them so funny, and is SO excited to finally have remembered them all.
- Loves being outside getting dirty and making messes.
- Counts to 20 pretty decently
- Keeping up with the big kids is a must. Basketball, baseball, soccer, he is all in for all of them.
- Sometimes sleeps through the night. Now that all my kids have been terrible night sleepers, I am certain it is me that is the problem, not them! Who needs sleep anyway??
- Trying to drop the nap, but really needs it.
- Very interested in doing things all by himself.
- Good eater, like Giada. Willing to try a wide range of foods. Loves avocado toast these days. He also loves balsamic vinegar on most food items.
- Working on potty training. We are making good progress but that is also a marathon, not a sprint in our household.
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