Happy Birthday Nana!
Fun Field Trip to Ag Ventures

While the big kids are at school, this guy has all the fun. Painting, and playing with Reese are at the top of the list.
The days we get to pick up Stellie, I don't know who is more excited, Stella or Lorenzo??
Library Story time!
Lorenzo was teaching Hayden all his best faces!
We thought the Easter Fun Run tradition was going to end. The kids both had baseball games at the same time as the run. BUT, it rained so much the day before the games were cancelled! The tradition lives on and we all loved it. G had a come from behind win, passing a boy, which she thought was awesome. Gino came out of the gate full sprint. We didn't have much faith he could keep up the pace, but he had the short race in his favor and came out on top. Lorenzo was SO excited to run. At the end of the race he saw the big kids and broke down. He ran through that finish line with all the emotions.
Haggin Museum in Stockton has a Student Art Competition every year. Giada's class had a new art teacher this year who did an excellent job teaching them all different techniques. The children were invited to the museum to see their work. So much beautiful art work there, the children all have so much talent. Thank you to the Haggin Museum for putting on this program and encouraging the children through art.
Happy Birthday Nonno!
For Giada's birthday, Nana took her on a special 1:1 day. They attended a Hutchins Street Square performance Catapult, and Sushi dinner.
Soccer. Jan/Feb, we had nothing to do so we decided to let Giada do some soccer clinics. Why we couldn't just take the down time like normal people, I do not know. Well of course after the clinics she wanted to play a few games with the team. The next few months may be a bit nutty with volleyball, softball and soccer, but here we go! Go Cougars.
Round 1 of egg dying. Helping Nana get her eggs ready.
Checking out Ran's Easter decor. The kids were so excited for an afternoon of fun at Ran's. That is way more fun than doing homework after school!
Lorenzo was given this Baymax and he was thrilled!! He has taken it everywhere, grocery shopping, sleeps with it, what a hit. Thanks Seve!
Riverdogs! This was our first year in Morada Little League and it was a wonderful experience. Coach Sean is always so patient with the kids. Gino is quick and could scurry his way on base most times up to bat. He also enjoys digging around in the dirt with his feet anytime he plays infield. So, we are just glad he never got drilled with a ball! Best part is he had so much fun and is looking forward to next season.
Happy 13th Birthday to our Sydney Girl. I was always worried the kids wouldn't get to know her, especially when Lorenzo was born. I am so happy she has continued being such a special part of our family.
Rare picture of Matt and I. Fun night out with my brother.
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