I tried to take some photos using the block idea I stole from Nicole and it didn't work out so well. She was kicking the blocks around - it just didn't work. But I'll keep trying or maybe keep it to the professionals for the monthly photos. One great thing she has done this week is sleep longer! Sunday night we got a 5 hr stretch and last night 7 hrs. I couldn't believe it, I kept waking up and checking on her to make sure she was still breathing. I couldn't sleep longer than 4, guess I'm not used to sleeping that long anymore...and I hope its not a fluke!

This week we went with Nana to the Arden Mall, Giada was awake and Easter Bunny was there so we took a photo. It was pretty funny actually - I felt real momish!! And with Santa at least you can decide how creepy he looks- because you can see his face, with the bunny you can't see who is in there and the person didn't speak! But we got a cute photo none the less.
This past weekend we went to Graeagle with the Kernals. It was beautiful up there and very relaxing. We didn't really do much but eat, relax, eat some more and get a round of miniature golf in. I'd say Nicole and I did pretty well with kids strapped to our chest. I needed Moby lessons from Nicole, but Giada seemed to like it which is great. I like it much better than the Bjorn.
There was some snow up there so we staged some photos and she got to wear her snow outfit she got from Nonna before she grew out of it!
This Friday Giada and I are taking our first plane flight to LA for Adj's baby shower...wish me luck, hope it goes well. I'll be posting a full report next week of course. I figure worse case senario she cries for the whole hour we are on the plane...right?
Last but not least....on the boob comments from last post, I forgot to mention one thing. Stretch Marks!! Not that the lotion probably worked anyway, I'm sure it's all just hereditary, BUT...never did I think I'd get them on my boobs. You are worried about butt, stomach, legs, back. Didn't know I needed to be concerned about the boobs. AND...if they are both the same size now, and were before ...why does only one have ALL the marks! I know it could be much worse, but just thought I'd add this about the marks. I guess that is one thing you wouldn't get from a boob job! ;)
She thinks mom is SO funny when we do a diaper change...most of the time.