Well I sound like a broken record but it's the story of my life.....another busy week.
On the road again....
This past week Giada and I took a road trip to Yosemite to visit Jaime and Zac who were camping there for a week. We had a fun adventure! Left bright and early at 6am so we could spend the whole day there. And a beautiful day it was. The day prior to my arrival Jaime and Zac hiked half-dome. They had been planning and training for a year. Little did Jaime know that once they were at the top he was going to propose! She was shocked and super excited. So, it was so fun to celebrate with the newly engaged couple. Giada was just an angel on the trip. Slept most of the way on the long drive there and back. Took a couple naps while we were there and went on a hike with us to Mirror Lake. Didn't see any waterfalls while we were there, which was odd, but did see a deer and coyote.
Congratulations again Jaime and Zac, so happy for you both and let the planning begin!!

Look at the new rock! Don't worry it's a "conflict free" diamond :) Zac really knows the way to her heart.

Jaime's soon to be niece Jordan was entertaining Giada all day long. Giada would just laugh and laugh at everything she did. I told her she might need to come home with me on the drive to entertain Giada.

Salute!! With Jaime's Favorite....Almond Champagne!

This weekend the Shively's were in town. Great to see them as always. Conner is now running around, it's too cute. Sarah you look like a natural with two kids :)

And we must always document when Auntie has a Corona night!!

This weekend was also the yearly -pickle weekend. For the past few years my mom and I pickle cucumbers in the summer. It's a long day but fun, they sure are yummy. Giada was trying to help us out with the canning rings!

Another milestone this week...sitting the highchair and grocery cart on my own! She is getting to be such a big girl. It's very exciting, but sad at the same time...almost 7 months, time just passes by so quickly. Each step is so fun though to watch her learn and explore new things. She loves looking around and seems to love the movement of the grocery cart.
This weekend we also took some naps! I'm finally getting a little tired of getting up all night long. This week we are working on Giadas nightly sleeping pattern!!! But there will be a day when she wont want to nap and cuddle up with me, so I love every second of it.
Last but not least. My mom had just asked me if Giada every just falls asleep while playing etc. She always hears of kids doing that...I said nope not yet, she has never done that. But I never thought it would be while jumping!!! Too funny!