Well since we went to Apple Hill we had to make some applesauce!
We hadn't made it in awhile and this year we had a little helper. I remember doing this every year growing up, so it was fun to start the tradition with Giada.

This weekend was the Stockton Half Marathon. It was also the weekend of my college friend Jamie Leffs families run down in LA. They support RUN FOR HER. And if you can't be in LA at the time you can register as a sleepwalker and run on your own that same day. They try to get sleepwalkers(should be sleep-runners) in all 50 states, not sure if they made it this year or not. But I'm always happy to support a friend and you not only get a shirt but running socks!! So anyway that's why I'm wearing the RUN FOR HER shirt. Anyhow this run was Stockton's first annual half marathon. I purposely didn't look up the route to be surprised and I was glad I did that. About half was pretty....ran through UOP for a mile or so, on the levee, and around Brookside, before hitting the area around Stagg High which was less than beautiful to look at!! I didn't know my mom was going to come cheer me on so it was fun to see her around mile 4 and about 5-6 other times from there on out. Gave me something to look forward to and a chance to sip cold water which I much prefer! Thanks so much mom for coming out!! xo! Mike made me a new play list which helped occupy my time, but I got bored about mile 6, and I still had a long way to go. I also got SUPER sore miles 11-13, which I'm sure was from my lack of training. It took all I had to pick up my feet to make it to the finish. Not a personal best but 2:19 is not so bad for little to no training. Oh, I almost forgot. One of the major things that kept me going was this girl running in front of me had the "Snooki poof" and from the back it would flop around with every step. After being behind her for 3 miles, I had to pick up the pace to stay in front of her the entire run, I couldn't stand looking at that for over 2 hours!!
So thanks Snooki chick for helping me finish the race!
Matt, Steph and Kyla ran the 5K so it was fun to have them to go to the run with and they met me at the finish.
All done! Hurting but managed a smile for the camera.
1100 people they announced!
Giada tried on my headband and finishers medal once I got home.
Welcome Aubrey Eva Kerns
On 11/15 the Kerns welcomed their daughter. It was a long day at the hospital but Nicole was comfortable most of the time and when the actual time came, she arrived quickly. I enjoyed the day visiting with the families and playing with Dylan waiting for the arrival.
Aubrey Eva Kerns 11/15 7lbs. 4 oz. 20 in. @4:54 - The whole family is doing well!
Dylan was so cute in the room, he wanted to take a ton of pictures!

He got a pretty good one of Kernal!
Random pic from StrollerFit!
Giada LOVES crunching the leaves. The dog park is in a bowl, she'd run up
and down the hill as many times as I'd let her.

My parents are adding onto their garage so my Pops wanted Giada's footprints in the cement. She was less than thrilled, I think it was pretty cold...but none the less they are there!