This week and weekend was filled with fun.
Addy and Sara Clarin visited us for a few days. We took them to all our favorite spots. The girls played so well together. Giada was telling Addy everything she should be doing. So the only thing she did was prove to me she does listen and just ignores me! :) "Addy go to your mom and put your clothes on", "Chew good, one at a time" I could go on and on...Sara and I would just laugh, it was pretty funny.

The weekend felt long, we got a lot done and did some playing with friends. Giada enjoyed Andrews birthday party at the gymnastics place.
Slides, hippity hop, even jumping into the foam off the BIG mountain!

Birthday boy!
Saturday we ended up playing with the Kerns. The kids got along great, even held hands to the park, too cute! It was a fun night of visiting- thanks for having us over.
(Even if we invited ourselves)

Sunday Linds and I decided to recreate some recipes from our cooking class. We forgot to take a picture of the final product but it was delicious. Homemade pasta tastes so much better. We have a few tweaks to make but overall a success. 2 kinds of pasta and a roasted red pepper salad. Yummy!! We had a little helper from time to time. She enjoyed oiling up the peppers.

Giada has been saying funny things lately, below are a few.
-I told her it was time to go upstairs, she answered "I don't think so mom, sorry about that"
-Anytime we use the olive oil now she calls it "Nonno's oil" because she saw him pumping it into the big tanks one day
-We sing nursery rhymes all the time but this one always makes me laugh...It's raining, it's pouring, (she always sings the last word in the line) the old man is snoring (snoring like Matt and Pops)
-We practice with all the shapes, and I love how she says octagon, it's more like oc-a-gon, she thinks its my favorite shape and always tells me so, but it's only my favorite because of how she pronounces it. Once she gets it- it's no longer the favorite :)
- Sleeping has been going pretty well, and I try to not get her out of her room before 6, she is an early riser! But one morning recently it was 5:15 she sounded super awake but I was trying to stick to my guns. Then she says " Mom do you hear me?" I had to laugh and gave in and got her out.
- Some mornings when we come downstairs she talks to Sydney right away, today it was "Sydney you're up, I miss you I love you"
-We rarely use time out, but lately if she does something she puts herself in timeout and goes to sit down. So that isn't really going to work for a punishment, she doesn't mind it and just sits there.
-"I want to hug brother in my belly button" She is very sweet to him so far. Wants to kiss him, hug him, put blankets on him
-She calls Mike "Mike" from time to time, but started calling me "Jules" I don't like it and make her call me "mom" :)
-Giada had been given some mini m&m's from someone, so I was giving her them from time to time. I had them sitting on the console, thought she couldn't see them. So I asked if she wanted a red or green one she said, " No mom, all of them"
-Giada's hair is getting long and tangly, she doesn't like me to brush it, so we have started
de-tangler cream, it's working well.
-She also let me cut her nails a couple times sitting still, making progress! Usually I have to do them when she is sleeping.
Oil Update

This is what we were up to a few weekends ago - bottling our flavored oil. Lusty lemon, Bountiful Basil and Hot Virgin Jalapeno oils are being labeled this week. Stay tuned!