This week was full as usual! We got a visit from Jamie and Zac as they headed back down south from a trip up to Humbolt. Giada had fun with them playing at the lake and kept asking, "Where did my friends go?" when they headed back to LA.
Thanks for the visit guys- see you soon!!

This week we also celebrated Mike's birthday. The Twins usually play around his birthday so that usually works out for us to go to a game, since it's his favorite team. They usually are playing the A's but this year it was even better since they were playing the Giants. We got some friends together and headed to SF. Mike was torn on who to root for since he is also a Giants fan. The Twins killed the Giants the night before but the Giants pulled it out when we were there, so I think he was happy!
A few pics from the game
Great job sign holding Meyer!
Shep forgot his jacket( it was freezing), and LOVED wearing this orange scarf. When the camera came by he pretended it was choking him....but don't let that fool you, he liked this scarf even better when he found out it could double as a shawl!!
Giada and I made Mike a cake, keeping with the Giants/Twins theme - as you can tell I let her do the decorating, and we couldn't even get the Happy Birthday candles spelled right.
But it tasted good!

She loved singing to dad!
Then the next night she came in the living room and told me she had some cake...I thought that's weird, I didn't think she could reach it. Then I followed her back to the kitchen and watched the cake stealer in action! She poked her finger through the plastic wrap so she could get to the cake. She is a tricky one!!

While I was gone one day Mike sent me a pic of Giada titled 100 degree weather. I was thinking they were having fun playing in the water or something....nope she keeps wanting to dress up in her hat and gloves!! Crazy kid!

Finally after many attempts we were able to meet Baby Brooklyn! She was so sweet and let me hold her forever! Thanks for meeting up Dub and JJ!
Play date at the park with Kiali
She has been so proud lately that she can do her own somersaults. She does them all day long!
- Always says "count with me"
- Keeps saying "What the heck?" It sounds funny coming from a kid
- She is doing lots of pretending lately...especially naps in the car. She loves when you go along with it and then she surprises you and wakes up.
- She has gotten the "I love you" sign down. She gets so excited and does it whenever someone leaves our house, and always to Nana. It's fun for me to see, since that's something I've always done with my mom and aunt Ran.
4 weeks to go!

- Only a few weeks left!
- Room painted this week, so hopefully I can get that all in order soon!
- Weekly appointments make you feel like the baby could be here anytime!
- We keep discussing names, getting closer I think. We are pretty settled on a middle, still finalizing the first