Well even though I had made some progress at my last appointment, nothing happened over the weekend so we spent some time playing with Giada and enjoying our last few days as a family of 3. Giada and I even went to the movies. She did pretty well, we saw Winnie the Pooh and it held her attention, I think she loved eating the popcorn the most!!
We had some family pics taken by BW photography before our new little guy arrived.

We went in early on Tuesday July 19th. I forgot to take a picture before I went in...so here it is the last one in the beautiful hospital gown!! Here we go!!
It was a long day of waiting.....I was given pitocin, water broken and more waiting. Little guy was making no progress and in fact moving upward!! The contractions were OUT OF CONTROL and the epidural was working somewhat on my legs but NOT on my back at all. It felt like a knife was digging in my back...lovely I know! Then his heart rate started dropping from time to time. The nurses would rush in and quickly have me move around to try and fix the problem. They were able to fix it a few times, and thought he either had a short umbilical cord or it was wrapped somewhere. Then they started throwing around C section. I got upset for a minute but then decided to not worry about it, since there was nothing I could do....but I really wanted to avoid it if we could. One thing lead to another and they tried giving me something to relax and adding fluid. Finally the combination of things we were trying worked and it was time to get him out! It took quite awhile. And then they started talking about C section again since we couldn't get him out. They were giving me a couple more tries and got the vacuum out too. Finally we got him out! He was sunny-side up, coming out sideways, and had the cord wrapped around his leg!! It's no wonder we were having trouble. The nurses nicknames him "Stinker"
Gino Ray Coldani 7 lbs. 1oz. 19 in. @7:14

Looks a lot like Giada here to me.

Big sister coming in to meet brother!
Lots of visitors in the hospital help the day go by quick!!


The next Coldani is here...
Uncle Matt

The girls! (Sorry we missed you in the pic Mel!)
Dr Gill
My amazing nurses!!

OWe didn't get pictures of everyone but we had visitors in and out all weekend!

I forgot how tiny they are!!

Headed home! Hope he likes the car better than his sister!

Best pic we could get of Sydney meeting him, I think she is so used to kids, she didn't care about us bringing another one home!

The Clarins make a stop on their way back to SLO.
Great Grandma Barbara
Great Grandma Carol
Great Aunt Ran

Adventures at home! Little Gino had to go back to the hospital for one night for jaundice, otherwise all seems to be well. We are all adjusting at home. Giada seems to be doing great. She loves to hold him and check on him. Some of the things she says, "He's eating again?" "He's crying again?" Boys are a little different than girls and sure enough I've already been peed on...learned that lesson. As it was happening Giada was laughing telling me "He's peeing on you!" She always wants to know where he is "Wheres that baby" "Where'd my baby go" "That babies name is Gino" He is very active when he is awake kicking his arms and feet all around. He kicked a ton inside my tummy so it's no surprise to me he is so active!! The thing we didn't expect was Giada to now seem so big.
She thought that her baby should take a nap with brother as well....

She wanted to hold him, asked to have her picture taken, then shut her eyes on purpose!

She never seems to mind if he is crying when she is holding him, she is still enjoying herself.

I forget how much they sleep when they are this little!! He looks so sweet when he is sleeping.
Overall we are adjusting well. Thank you so much for all the calls, notes, dinners and well wishes!!!!