Field trip for Giada! Teacher Jan has a walnut orchard. The kids got to head to her farm and learn how they are harvested. Giada and Maddie thought it was hilarious when they shook them out of the trees. Some walnut painting and pumpkins- kids were thrilled.
Farmer Frank took a liking to him and took on the pumpkin hunt!
Harvest Party! We lucked out again on the weather and had another successful Calivirgin harvest party. Wes Nilssen prepared amazing food once again using our oils and vinegars and Guantonios pizza never disappoints! Thanks to all who came out and helped make it a success!
Stella is eating real food now. She isn't so sure about the rice cereal just yet!
Annual trip to Phillips Farms with the fam!
I asked Giada where they were headed she says " San Diego" LONG tractor ride! Then she wanted Nana to take the trip as well!
Often when the kids are together I try to take a cousin pic...this is usually how it goes. Stella is perfect, until she is frightened. Giada makes silly faces, until she feels like smiling; and by the time she is ready the others are over it. Gino comes in wild and doesn't stay long! 

Happy Birthday Teya. Thanks for the fun!
The kids get lots of chances to wear their costumes. Costume week at gymnastics! Gino wouldn't participate so Giada thought poking with her wand would help!
Downtown Lodi Trick or Treating! Giada and Dylan had more fun telling us what everyone's costumes were than getting the candy.
Congratulations Colby!!
Difference between Gino and Giada. She has never tried to climb in the sand table! At least not at this young age!

Stella helped root on those Giants!