This week Steph, Giada and I took all the dogs to the lake. It was a lot of dogs running around but they all seemed to have a good time and we wore them out!

Gymnastics Class- not the best pic. iPhone takes great pics if the people are
NOT moving which is hard to ever get kids to do!

Giada and I had dinner with Nicole and Dylan one night when the boys were doing one of their fantasy drafts. It was great catching up and Giada and Dylan enjoyed testing out "Petunia's" new bedding!

We read the same 2 books every night and in this one book at the end I always give her a hug. It's so funny because now she looks at it herself and gives herself a hug at the end.

She is becoming very aware of when she has to go to the bathroom, and now wants to give diapers to her dolls- Oh geez!

Scott and Gina were in town this weekend and Giada got lots of time to play with Zio Scott.

These two little girls kept taking my camera and taking photos of anything and everything,
and then wanted me to take their photos. Cute girls!
19 Months Old
-Still sleeping and eating well.
-Very aware of when she has poo poo, she either tells you after or before but at least she is getting the idea. I'm not ready to potty train yet, but I'm sure it will start sooner than later!
- She is beginning to put more words together, and is saying a lot of "S" words. Scott, Sour(complete with making her face all scrunched up), sticky, sticker, stuck(everything is stuck)
- Points out things as we are driving and in the sky when we are walking around. Moon, birds, dog, tree, truck, car.
-One great thing is she rarely wakes up crying anymore she calls out "mom" "mama" or if she is at my mom's "nana". I'm still impressed that she is aware that she isn't at home and calls out "nana".
-She will come up and whisper things to you, not sure where she got that but it's cute.
-The other day we were playing outside and she is yelling "Bug Bug Bug Bug...Whoa!" and I go over there and sure enough there was a big trail of ants.
-She likes to point out the flies to you so you can get them with the fly swatter.
-Says "salute" after someone sneezes, then laughs.
-Picking up a few more body parts - neck, chin, cheeks, and raises her eyebrows(she thinks that one is pretty funny too.)
- Likes to kiss everyone goodbye and say goodbye to everything. i.e. bye rock, bye dog etc.
-Is not interested in you blowing bubbles anymore she would like to blow her own then catch them.
- Still loves being outside, dirty, and picking things out of the garden, she would eat tomatoes, strawberries and blueberries from the garden all day long if we let her.
-She is almost there with doing her own somersault, and has been spinning herself around until she gets dizzy then falls down laughing.
She is a joy to be around, still has that darling curly hair and brings a smile to our face every day!