As for most of you as well, this past week/weekend was a busy one. Jamie and Zac stayed the night with us on Wednesday on their way to Sacramento. We had a fun day. Jamie has to eat at Butcher Shoppe which is fine by me. Then we were off to do some wine tasting at Abundance. Well not me of course, but Jamie and Zac had a nice time. Giada passed out on the way over there and had a good nap while we were there. We also had time to catch "The Fighter" - great movie, and dinner at Crush. What a great day! Always great to see you James!(and Zac)

We have a few good friends with December birthdays, so there was a little celebrating this week as well. The girls had a blast playing together while we were over visiting on Trent's Bday.Giada calls Peyton "pate" and they just followed each other around from room to room sharing beautifully. Which was nice for Bre and I to be able to catch up!
Both families in town is great, but at the holidays it can be a bit hectic. We go two places Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and then on Sunday also spent time with family. Everyone is so generous, and the food outstanding.
First stop Coldani Family Christmas Eve
Giada, Nonni, Aunt Patsy

Everyone enjoyed watching Giada open gifts. She is so serious until it's open. This one was a Mickey Mouse that dances and sings the TV show theme song.....boy do I have that stuck in my head now. Thanks Nonni :)
Then it was off to my dad's side for the Fuhrman family Christmas Eve
Joanne and her granddaughers
Katie, Jackie and Brian - The uncles gave poor Brian such a hard time,
he many never want to come back!
Cliff and Dawn

Aunt Kim and her sister Kathy

Steph, Matt, Giada- this is her new thing- hug you while the photo is taken....

As well as closing her eyes on purpose for the picture.
Thought we were over that one....apparently NOT!
The three of us were able to have a nice relaxing morning at home on
Christmas Day before heading around to our families.
Christmas Day at the Coldani's
Gina & I

Jeanne, Marchelle, Grandma Carol

Grandma Barbara

Cousin Rob & I

Christopherson Cousins - Cherry, Crystal, Patsy, Chad, Jeanne, Darwin

Giada opening some play desserts. I think she licked everyone to make sure it
was pretend. She didn't believe us. :)
Giada was singing away to "Frosty Snowman" "Ho Ho Merry Christmas" & "Shiny Nose"
Last night in the bath she had no idea these bubbles were on her head- it was funny.

Hard to believe she will be 2 in January!
-Her new saying "What the heck" while throwing her arms up
-STILL working on the sleeping but making progress. She seems to like the twin bed better than the toddler bed.
- Putting words into small sentences.
- Last two teeth on the top are poking out and should be in soon
-Good eater - will eat most of what is put in front of her.
-Hair is getting SO long! Still curly at the ends, and around her face.
- One eye still no color on the lashes
That's probably the 2 questions I get the most. Do you think her eyelashes will get color......well how would I know??? And the other is you curl her hair....umm no, have you seen my daughter??? She doesn't sit still for that to ever happen, I'd end up burning her and myself for sure!