Wednesday night my mom has been doing Thanksgiving for the past few years. It's nice to only have to go one place/day. Mike had to miss out because of harvest, it wasn't the same without him! Our attempt at a family pic is tough with 2 kids and my dads talking!!
Lately for photos we are getting weird faces or winking!!

Every year we do the 'Run for the Hungry' Thanksgiving 5/10K. Every year different people come, but usually KR, Linds, Gelbart and I are there. This year Trent, Scott, Gino and Giada joined us. Giada even did the kids run. She had fun, was a long one for her age...then both kids camped out in the stroller while I did the 5K with Linds and KR. The other 3 did the 10K! Good luck this weekend at the CIM boys! It did start to drizzle but not towards the end of the run, I did NOT feel like going that morning but was so glad I did. Fun tradition.

Proud of her finishers ribbon!

Then our 2nd Thanksgiving meal at the Coldani's on Thursday. Such yummy food at both places - this is my favorite meal!!

Playing in the olives! (Wink eye!!)

Gino comes with us to the oil shows- lucky for us he is a good sport, we make him a little spot and he's all set! This will only work until he is mobile....this week he started rolling over!!
People say all kinds of things to us at these festivals...a few I have to share. They always comment on Gino, a few call him a girl, and as I was discreetly feeding him, with the hooter hider covering everything someone asked if I had a dog under there....a dog!!!! really?? What is wrong with some people. I realize some people have small dogs and take them everywhere but c'mon you can see the baby feet hanging out!!!
People try to teach you about the oils, tell you what is in them ...we've heard it all. But one favorite from the weekend was "Don't take this personal, but I don't like any of them" I laughed and said, "well everyone has a different paleae" It's entertaining that's for sure!

While we were away Giada went on some adventures with nana...

and Mya...

A visit to Grandma Carols always includes petting and feeding the horses!

Found my feet!

My sister can make me laugh!
- Found his feet
- Rolling over now. He always stuck on one arm, once he did it this weekend now he never stays in one place. It is fun to see him moving around.
-He is sleeping in his crib now. Twice he slept a 4 hour chunk of time, granted it was when I was still up...but progress right???
-Laughing a ton as you could see above
- She will draw something or make something with her food/toys and you have to guess the shape. Sometimes it's very difficult to tell! If you happen to get it she is so excited "Good job mom!"
-We were watching Toy Story 3 and she tells me "Ken sure likes that Barbie!"
-Potty Training is ongoing and not easy in our household. But the other day she went to the bathroom on the floor and said " It's ok, it happens, I'll clean it up!" lol that girl! We will get it one day...I hope it's one day soon!!!
- We saw a lady with gray hair and she YELLS out " Mom look that lady has white hair!" The lady looks at me and I just smiled.....