Wednesday, July 11, 2012

4th, Movies, Kanter visit, Naps, Swings & Sydney

Happy 4th of July!
On actual 4th of July we didn't do much! Took the dogs to the lake and BBQ'd at the house. The kids fell asleep early, and we felt like we had already did fireworks in Graeagle. So, it was actually a funny 4th. We did sparklers, when it was still light out....not quite the same!  Gino wouldn't pose for a photo in the chairs - he barely stays in the same spot for more than a second these days, so Giada said "you can take one of just me" lol
"Mom I'm not tired! I don't need a nap" Found her like this 2 minutes later! (And yes mom I know I did the same thing to you!!) Not sure why I ever fought a nap, I love naps!
 Giada has been playing with "Baby Stella" a lot lately. Changes her clothes all day long, feeds her and takes her with us where ever we go. Sometimes she changes the name to "Ariel" or " Kitty, you know like Steph's mom " lol
 Playing with nana at the park, while I was doing oil stuff!

 "Mom, take a photo of me with Sydney, my family"
 Child Development friends....look at this oldie I found while cleaning closets this week!

Visits with baby Cain this weekend. Giada of course wanted to hold him.
 This time Gino wanted in on the action too!
 The Kanters are visiting from Canada. The kids had fun playing in the pool! Giada enjoys showing everyone else her swim moves....except her teacher at lessons...awesome!

 Movie date! Heather and I took the kids to see Brave. Funny that they both told their dads the same was about a bear fight! lol! Thanks Auntie KR for joining us!
 Playing in the tub is fun with out without water!

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