This weekend was busy with wedding festivities!
Despite a change in reception location, the wedding went off without a hitch.
Marla looked beautiful and even got a couple at bats with the whiffle ball game that was going on outside, which was quite fitting
for my softball bride!
A few photos from the wedding.
Photo some of you may not know is of my brother Matt and his girlfriend Steph, he has been sad not to make the blog!
ALSO, a photo of Hilders boyfriend Kevin, he does exist! We havent seen him since February, hope we didnt scare him off again!!
Still need the one of the entire DP Crew, but that one wasn't with my camera.
Reich- was it with yours?
Sunday was filled with relaxing - a pick up game of whiffle ball "over the line" - the girls were almost victorious!
Of course some football watching, bumper pool and a bbq.
I surely crashed out at about 10, and had the best night sleep in awhile!
Almost 6 months, time is flying by, and the kicks are getting bigger, Sum felt one yesterday they can now be felt by the outside.